Spring Boot cache with Redis

2018/11/18 posted in  Spring


Each of us met the situation when application was working slowly. Even the best code will fall on knees at high load. Caching can be fast and relatively cheap way to increase performance and reduce response time.

In simple words caching is one of performance strategies when you must face with long running services. Invocation result can be placed inside fast 
in-memory storage and used next time without expensive method execution. Following the green flow, you may notice if we found requested data in cache (called “cache hit”) we save time and resources. Red flow represents worst scenario (called “cache miss”) when cache doesn’t store expected data and you need to load and recalculate it from the beginning with an extra trip to cache which increases response time. So how it works underneath?

With big simplification when new data arrives, they are placed in the first empty bucket, but when cache is full, cleaning process is performed according to selected eviction algorithm. Some data are safe, they are used very often or meet other conditions for chosen algorithm. Rest of the data are candidates to remove. In ideal world cache will evict only old data until it found place for new ones. With Spring and Redis we will try to build simple app and consider how different factors can impact on our caching layer.